[Interview] Tag Your Targets

Tag Your Targets

今回はスウェーデン出身のポップパンクバンド、Tag Your Targetsにインタビューに答えてもらいました。イギリスのポップパンクバンドHot Damnとのスプリットをリリースしていることでも有名ですね。バンドは最近、”Destinations”というフルアルバムをリリースしたばかり。プロデューサーは、スウェーデンの有名メロディックハードコアバンド、Atlas Losing Gripsのメンバーです。ドイツツアーから帰ったばかりのタイミングで、ボーカルとギターを担当するMikeに答えてもらいました。

Tag Your Targets are;
Mike (Vocal, Guitar)
Philip (Guitar)
Johan (Bass)
Ted (Drums)

Facebook / bandcamp




いろんなバンドから影響を受けているけど、主にオールドスクール、モダンを問わずポップパンクやパンクロックからの影響が多いかな。あと、クラシックなロックだったりポストハードコアからも多少の影響はあるね。バンド名をいくつか挙げるとしたら、The Wonder Years, Living With Lions, Alexisonfire, Man Overboard, Polar Bear Club, Alkaline Trioなんかかなぁ。



-うん、3/15にリリースしたよ。”Destinations”はポップパンクやポストハードコア、クラシックなロックから影響を受けたパンクロックアルバムだよ。このアルバムは、2012年の夏に、MalmöにあるDiscrete Motion Recordingsっていうスタジオで、Atlas Losing GripのGustav Brunnにプロデュースとミックスをお願いしてレコーディングしたんだ。いくつかの細かいところは、HemgårdenにあるStudio Bengtでもレコーディングしたかな。マスタリングは全曲、KungälvにあるBohus Sound RecordingでDragan Tanaskovicにやってもらったよ。製作は最新鋭のプロフェッショナルな工程で、かなり早い段階で求めるものが完成したよ。”Destinations”はコンセプトアルバムってわけじゃないんだけど、歌詞やアルバム全体に込められた感情は、あるパターンに従っているよ。このアルバムは主に気を取り直して、希望を持って、人生において自分の選択に自信と責任を持とうってことをテーマにしているよ。ゲストボーカルとして、” Surface To Air”という曲にはWhile Giants SleepのJosef Molinに、” Opposites Attract”という曲ではHold HandsのHannes Mattssonにそれぞれ参加してもらっているよ。






-自分たちが住んでる地域はそこまで大きなシーンはないかな。ミュージシャンは自分たちのハマったいろんなジャンルの音楽をやるためにバンドを始めて、お互いに異なる方法で活動を続けるんだ。でも、スウェーデンにはLike Torches (formerly You Ate My Dog), Her Bright Skies, Knife Derby, While Giants Sleep, Rainmakerなんかのかっこいいバンドがいるよ。もちろん、Atlas Losing Gripは忘れちゃいけないね。チェックしてみて。



-うん。ドイツに一週間と、ベルギーでも1度だけショウをやったね。ドイツのポップパンクバンドA Time To Standが僕たちのバンに乗り込んで、一緒にいくつかのすっごいショウをやったよ。反応は期待以上だった。おそらく知られていなかったのにだよ。でもライブパフォーマンスを通して多くの新しいリスナーを獲得しようと努力したから、お客さんたちも新しいバンドを発見できて喜んでくれたように思うよ。またすぐにでも行きたいね。


イギリスのポップパンクバンドHot DamnとSplitを出していますよね。お互いにどうやって知り合ったのですか。また、国外のバンドで仲の良いバンドを教えてください。

-うん、その通り。2011年にね。ただ単に一緒にスプリットを出してくれるイギリスのポップパンクバンドを探してたらHot Damnを見つけて気に入って、ラッキーなことに彼らも喜んでスプリットのリリースを受け入れてくれたんだ。Hot Damnに加えて、この何年か一緒に演奏した本当にかっこいいバンドを知ってるよ。その中でも、本当にチェックして欲しいバンドは、ドイツのA Time To Standや、デンマークのバンドで言うとStars Burn Stripes、 Kill The Rooster、A Road To Damascus、そしてイギリスのバンドならUp Riverと Fights And Fires、オランダのAntillectualもカッコいいね。彼らは本当にカッコイイバンドだし、いい仲間だよ。



-えっと、日本のパンクシーンについてはICE GRILL$ Recordsを通しての知識しかないんだ。例えばAfter Tonightはすごくカッコいいバンドだね。残念ながらヨーロッパでは、日本のパンクロックシーンを知ろうと思えばかなり深くディグらなくてはならないんだ。そうしなくてもいい日を待ち望んでるよ。







bandcampでは曲が聞けるし、アルバムや曲を安い値段でダウンロード購入できるよ。同じくマーチも買えるし。iTunesでも曲が買えるよ。バンドについての最新のニュースをチェックするためにも、Facebookでいいね!して欲しいな。See you soon, Japan!


For English speaker

(Being Interviewed: Mike)


When do you guys start the band? From what bands you guys are influenced when your start the band?

 Me and Philip started out as a composing duo in the spring of 2010, writing songs together with a vision of starting a pop punk band. We recorded a 3-track demo together with a fellow drummer later that year and after that we started to look for members and found Johan and Ted to complete the circle. In the beginning of 2011 we all met for the first time when taking our first promo pictures and started rehearsing as a full band soon after that!

 We are influenced by a lot of bands but mainly old school and modern pop punk/punk rock acts but we also have some roots in classic rock and post hardcore. To name a few bands, I would say The Wonder Years, Living With Lions, Alexisonfire, Man Overboard, Polar Bear Club and Alkaline Trio.

I know you recently released full album called “Destinations”. What kind of album “Destinations” is? Please talk about sounds, lyrics, emotion and what else.

Yes we did, on March 15th. ‘Destinations’ is a punk rock album with influences from pop punk, post hardcore and classic rock. The album ‘Destinations’ is recorded, co-produced and mixed by Gustav Brunn of Atlas Losing Grip in Discrete Motion Recordings, Malmö during the summer of 2012. A few details were recorded at Studio Bengt at Hemgården in Lund. All songs are mastered by Dragan Tanaskovic at Bohus Sound Recording in Kungälv. The production is very modern and professional, something we knew that we wanted to achieve very early on. Even though ‘Destinations’ is not a concept album, the lyrics and overall feel of the album follows a distinctive pattern. This album is mainly about getting back on your feet, having hope and being independent in your choices in life. ‘Destinations’ contains two guest appearances. Josef Molin of While Giants Sleep contributes with spoken word and additional backing vocals on the track ‘Surface To Air’ and Hannes Mattsson of Hold Hands screams his lungs out in the latter part of ‘Opposites Attract’.

Do you have memorable thing or event when you recorded the album? 

Philip kept falling asleep in the studio sofa and Gustav, our producer, made it a common thing to wake him up using a megaphone. Here’s a video clip from one of those events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-rzPZD_i0

Please let me know about your local scene. What bands do you often play with? I’d like to know cool bands in Sweden you recommend.

There’s not much of a local scene where we live. Musicians usually start up a band in whatever genre they’re into and just goes along with it in different ways. However, there are a couple of cool bands in Sweden, such as Like Torches (formerly You Ate My Dog), Her Bright Skies, Knife Derby, While Giants Sleep, Rainmaker and of course Atlas Losing Grip. You should check them out!

I hear you recently toured in some country. Where did you tour and how was the response from the audience?

We did! We went to Germany for a week and played one show in Belgium. German pop punkers A Time To Stand got into a van with us and we played some amazing shows together. The response was greater than we had expected, since none of the bands are really known even in this subgenre. But we managed to win a lot of new listeners with our live performances and people seemed happy to have found new good bands to listen to and follow. We are definitely going back there as soon as we can!

You released the split with Hot Damn from UK, didn’t you? How did you get to know each other? And please let me know your friends bands outside Sweden, too.

That’s right, in 2011. We (Tag Your Targets) were simply looking for a pop punk band from the UK to make a split with and we found Hot Damn that we found interesting and luckily they were willing to make a split with us. Besides Hot Damn, we’ve gotten to know some really cool bands over the years that we’ve played with. Most mention-worthy would be our tour buddies in A Time To Stand from Germany, Stars Burn Stripes, Kill The Rooster and A Road To Damascus from Denmark, Up River and Fights And Fires from the UK and last but not least Antillectual from the Netherlands. All very cool bands and great dudes.

Do you know something about punk rock scene in Japan? (Japanese bands, for example)

Well, we kind of only know about the Japanese punk rock scene through Ice Grill$ Records actually. After Tonight for example, very cool band. Unfortunately you really have to dig deep to find out about the Japanese scene when you’re from Europe but I would love to see that change!

And what impression do you have about Japan?  (culture, foods, people, etc.)

We have the impression that Japan is awesome. Philip is a huge anime fan and he’s also a chef so he would love to come to Japan someday, see the huge Gundam statue and eat good Japanese food.

Thank you so much. At last, please give a message for Japanese people.

It’s not only Philip that wants to go to Japan. We all feel that one of our biggest obstacles is to go to Japan during our time as a band and play our music live for you guys. That would be a dream come true. Hopefully we’ll make it happen someday soon! In the meantime you can listen to our music on Bandcamp (http://tagyourtargets.bandcamp.com) where you can also download the album or just some songs for a very low price, you can also find merchandise at that very same spot. Otherwise we’re also available on iTunes for purchase and please like our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/TagYourTargets) for the latest news and updates about the band. See you soon, Japan!

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