[Interview] Belvedere




(Interview by 3104punx)

(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese article, so please click “Read More…” and go through to the bottom.)














あなた達は去年、GradeやThe Fullblast、Moneenといったバンドとカナダで共演しましたよね。そのライブはどうでしたか?古くから付き合いのある仲の良いバンドたちと一緒の時間を過ごして、どのようなことを感じましたか?





行きたいとは思うんだけど、そこまではライブを見に行けてないのが実際のところ。でも、Muteはカナダのバンドの中でベストなバンドの一つだと言えるね。最近になって、彼らがカナダ以外にもショウをしにいけるようになったと聞いてとても嬉しいよ。ここ数年は彼らはカナダのパンクロック界の隠し球みたいな存在でずっといたからね。バンクーバー出身のCarpenterやPrecursorも素晴らしいバンドだね。両方のバンドを掛け持ちしているDanは素晴らしい友達で、同時に素敵な曲を書くシンガーなんだ。一緒にツアーを回ったときは、素晴らしい人生のコーチでもいてくれるしね (笑)

あと、エドモントン出身のThe Weekend Kids。あいつらはヤバいね。ぜひともチェックしてみてよ。



うん、3回も日本でツアーが出来て本当に嬉しいよ。Belevedere、This Is A Standoff、あとアコースティックツアーの3回だね。素晴らしい記憶の一つとして残っているのは、アコースティックツアーでMisled Baldsと一緒にツアーしたときに、友達でありレーベル(Bullion)を運営しているDaisukeが野球場に連れて行ってくれたことだね。東京ドームに行ってジャイアンツ対スワローズの試合を観たんだ。あれは本当にいい思い出だね。






ありがとう。あのドンキーコングのシャツは、Stereo Designに所属しているSebasっていう友達がデザインしてくれたんだ。彼がキーボードを使えば、本当にすごいんだ。あと、New Jersey Devils (ホッケーのチーム)の大ファンだね。








-For English speakers-

Thank you for giving a chance for interview this time. First, please introduce yourself for us.

Hello, I’m Steve and I play guitar and sing in Belvedere.


How did you feel when you know that your upcoming Japan tour has been settled via crowd funding service, Alive?

That was great to hear. We’ve had a really great fan base in Japan and we’ve very excited to have a chance to come back to play for you.


Belvedere stopped running as a band in 2005, but you finally reunited in 2011. What is the reason or the trigger for your reunion? Please let me know about the story if you don’t mind.

We needed some time away from the band. In 2011 when a few of us started speaking to each other again, we realized that we wanted to come back and play music together again. Once Jay and I started talking, we then spoke to Scott and Graham and it all came together very quickly.


You are very popular as a “fast” melodic punk band all over the world, and your strong songs keep fascinating many punk rock lovers. Would you tell me what you’d like to express with you “Strong” and “Fast” style punk rock?

I want to cover a lot of topics from personal relationships to the world around us. The biggest thing that I want to get across is that people get outside to experience the world and think about what they can do make the world a better place.


You shared the stage with Grade, The Fullblast and Moneen in Canada last year, right? How was that? How did you feel to play with your old friends?

Yes that was a great chance to get these bands all in the same room. It was a big show and we enjoyed seeing everyone again. The promoter that put on the show was a dear friend of mine (Jcloth). This was his last show and he chose all the bands that he had done lots of shows with over the years. In fact, Jcloth was one of the big reasons Belvedere got back together again. He reached out to me and said he wanted to do a Toronto show for us. it got me thinking….


In Canada, there are great music scenes and so many prominent bands. Do you often go to the venue and see some young bands than you in Canada? Please let me know some Canadian bands you like!

I don’t go out as much as I’d like but I was would say that Mute is one of the best bands out there. I’m happy to hear that in the last few years they’ve been able to go out to some of the rest of the world. For years they were one of Canada’s best kept punk secrets. The bands Carpenter and Precursor from Vancouver are wonderful bands as well. Dan from both bands is a great friend, wonderful songwriter and singer. He’s also a great life coach on tour :).
The Weekend Kids from Edmonton are fucking awesome. Check them out.


You did first Japan tour as a band in 2003, and you came back to Japan in 2011 for your solo tour, right? Is there any memory of Japan tour you have strongly even now?

Yes I’m lucky to have been to Japan 3 times on tour. Belvedere, This Is  A Standoff and acoustically. One of my best memories was travelling around with the Misled Balds guys on my acoustic tour and my friend and label guy, Daisuke (Bullion) taking us to a Baseball game. We went to the Tokyo Dome to see the Giants versus the Swallows. Such a great memory.


What is your favorite Japanese food? And is there something do you want to try in Japan? For a fast food type chain

Yoshinoya has always been good to me but for specific types of food I’d say Salmon Sashimi, with cucumber sushi and your best sake is about as good as it gets for me 🙂


I love the design of your exclusive T-shirt for Japan tour time. Who designed your merchandise a reaper featured?

Thank you. The Donkey Kong shirt was designed by our friend Sebas from Stereo Design. He’s a wizard behind the keyboard and a big New Jersey Devils fans.


Some news websites said that your reunion is just for playing shows, but I think many fans of you are also waiting for your new music. Please let me know about your future plan as long as you can tell.

We are anxious to write new music but the band is not our full time job. We are busy with families and work but we do hope that we can get together and write something that we’re all proud of.


Thank you for sharing your time with us. In the end, please give a message for Japanese fans of you!

I can’t wait to see everyone soon in Japan. we thank you for always standing behind our band. Let’s party.


来日公演情報 (詳しくはコチラから)

2014/5/26(月) @渋谷 Cyclone
w/ Secret Guest, Misled Balds
Open/Start 18:30/19:30
Ticket: 5000円

2014/5/27(火) @渋谷 Garret
w/ Engrave, Cleave
Open/Start 18:30/19:30
Ticket: 5000円

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