[Interview] Say Hello To The Angels

say hello to the angels

今回はテキサス州オースティンのパンクロックバンドSay Hello To The Angelsにインタビューに応じてもらいました。インタビューに応じてくれたのリードボーカルのDustin。彼は、日本でもなじみ深いポップパンクバンド、Riddlin’ Kidsの元メンバーです。一つ一つの質問に丁寧に答えていただきました。特に、新しいアルバム”Stay Awake”に込めたメッセージ性はかなり強いようです。

Say Hello To The Angels are;
Dustin Stroud (Lead Vocals, Guitar)
Ray Ray Benitez (Backup Vocals, Guitar)
Benjie Benitez (Backup Vocals, Drums)
TJ Smyrson (Backup Vocals, Bass)

Facebook / bandcamp


Say Hello To Angelsはいつ結成されましたか?また、今までにリリースした作品についても教えてください。

-バンドは2006年に始めたんだ。今までに、4つの音源をリリースしているよ。 (1. Say Hello To The Angels (Self Titled EP), 2. Modern Fire (Altercation Records), 3. Break Your Sword (Altercation Records), 4. Stay Awake (Altercation Records))


Say Hello To Angelsはどのような音楽やバンドに影響を受けてはじめましたか。

-俺たちは本当にたくさんのバンドから影響を受けているよ。クラシックなロックだったり、メタルやハードコアやポップパンク、さらにはニューウェイブやオールドスクールなフォークに至るまで、本当に様々なバックグラウンドを持ったバンドなんだ。かつて自分たちが所属していたバンドからも影響を受けているね。俺は、Riddlin’ Kidsっていうバンドをやってたんだ。Columbia Records、日本ではSonyから音源をリリースしたよ。仲のいいZebraheadとのツアーや、少しの期間だけどGoldfingerとのツアーを経て、そういったシーンからものすごく影響を受けたんだ。BenjieとRay RayのBenitez兄弟はずっと一緒にバンドを組んでる。Say Hello To The Angelsを結成する前にやってた、Ruberhedってバンドは、パンクとハードコア、さらにはヒップホップとのギャップをつなぐような、エネルギーに満ちたクロスオーバーバンドだったんだ。TJは、優れた楽曲ととてつもないエネルギーを持ったスカパンクバンド、The Buzz Killersで演奏してたしね。Say Hello To The Angelsを始めるに当たっては、特にHot Water Music、Zebrahead、Rise Against、それにFoo Fightersなんかからも影響を受けたかな。



-俺たちは前向きなエネルギーと楽観的な考え方に基づいた名前をつけたかったんだ。短い名前は全部ほかのバンドとカブっちゃうし、長い名前だと多くの考えを詰め込みすぎちゃうことになる。いろんなバンド名を考えたんだけど、Shinto Shrineってバンドのあとに、Haiden(拝殿)って名前にしようかと考えたんだ。神道はとても美しい考え方だからね。信じられないだろうけど。「奉納する場所、すなわち神聖な神社」っていうのは、自分たちの音楽に感じたいことなんだ。人々や自分たちのスピリチュアリティーをつなぐことのできる方法だからね。音楽は自分たちにとって本当に大事なものなんだ。ただ、そこからバンド名を取るほどは、神社のことは理解できていないなと思って結局ボツにしたよ。俺たちは人々を高揚させ、前向きなエネルギーを世界にもたらしたかったし、だれにも不快感を与えたくないっていう気持ちがあったんだ。だから、最終的に西洋的な考えである「天使」に行きついた。完全には理解できなくても、何かとコミュニケーションと取るということは、何か高尚な力につながることなんだよね。


今年の3月に新しいアルバムStay Awakeをリリースしました。どのような作品に仕上がっていますか?音以外にも歌詞の内容についてなにか特別なことがあれば教えてほしいです。

-Stay Awakeは、政府権威に対する監視の責任を常に忘れないようにというテーマがあるんだ。世界は日に日に、狂ったものになっていく。メロディやリズムといったサウンドに、政治的な考えを深く影響させているんだ。毎日の暮らしの中で、人々を静めて周りの世界に注意を払わないようにするのは簡単。人にはっきりと説教のようにメッセージを伝えるのは好きじゃないけど、探せば曲のなかにそういったメッセージは見つかるはず。特にポジティブなエネルギーを表現して、人々に強く揺れ動かされるような感情を味わってもらいたいんだ。すべてのメッセージはタイトルトラックの”Stay Awake”に詰まってる。「俺たちの人生の夜明けだ、目を覚まして太陽が昇るのをみるんだ。そういった動きの一部になりたいなら、Stay Awake!」って歌ってるんだよ。



-反応はとってもいいね。Altercation Recordsっていうレーベルに所属してるんだけど、とっても協力的なレーベルでね。South By South West (SXSW)でのライブではいい時間を過ごしたよ。Altercation Records showcaseでCDのリリースショウをやったのと、The Annual Punk Rock Barbequeっていう有名なショーケースでもショウをやったよ。Teenage BottlerocketやOff With Their HeadsさらにはAltercation Recordsの他のバンドなんかと一緒にライブをしたよ。


活動拠点であるAustin, Texasのパンクロックシーンについて教えてください。よく一緒にライブをやる仲のいいバンドやかっこいいバンドがいたら教えてください。

-テキサス州オースティンのシーンは、かつてに比べると陰りを見せてるかな。昔はもっとお互いの繋がりがあったし、支え合ってたね。素晴らしいバンドはたくさんいるんだけど、かつてほどお互いの関係性は強固じゃない。おそらく、自分たちよりも若いバンドがパンクロックシーンにコミュニティという考え方を取り戻してくれるかもね。Riot Scene, Thieves, Stampede, Three’s Away, Riverboat Gamblers, Nowhere Bound, The Buzzkillers, Devils and Dust, Brady Black, Fight Planなんかの素晴らしいバンドがたくさんいるし、ここには書ききれないほどたくさんのバンドがいるよ。オースティンのミュージックシーンやその明るい未来が大好きさ。SXSW やAustinCityLimits Festのときだけ人がやってくるようなものではない、強固なシーンを作っていきたいと思っているよ。






-残念ながら、知りたいと思っているほどには日本のパンクロックシーンについては知らないんだ。パンクロックにハマりたての頃、アメリカ人にはそこまで馴染みのない、日本の80年代の映画「Burst City (邦題:爆裂都市 )」を見たんだ。その映画で、The StalinやThe Rockersといったバンドシーンを知ったね。そのあとに見た”Wild Zero”では、大好きなガレージロックバンド、ギターウルフに出会ったんだ。あの映画は、自分が大好きなゾンビとロック、二つの要素があったからね。あとは、友達にMisfitsの話をしたら、BALZACのことを教えてくれた。すぐに彼らのホラーなサウンドが好きになったね。あと、Bomb Factory.も大好きなバンドだよ。彼らはメロディックでいい曲を持ってるからね。

小さいときに、Cheap TrickのLive at BudokanってCDを聞いたときから、日本に行くのが夢なんだ!日本には、世界的に見ても熱烈な音楽ファンがいるからね。文句なしだよ。ZebraheadのBenは、日本で演奏するような経験は他では得られないって話してくれたし。いつか日本で演奏するのが希望だし、野望だよ。さっきもいったけど、もっと日本のバンドについて知りたいから、教えてよ。






For English speaker

( Being interviewed: Dustin Stroud)


Please let me know when you guys started the band and how many release you have so far, too.

-Dustin Stroud, (Lead Vocals, Guitar), Ray Ray Benitez (Backup Vocals, Guitar), Benjie Benitez (Backup Vocals, Drums), TJ Smyrson (Backup Vocals, Bass) We started the band in 2006 (Benjie, Ray Ray, and Dustin).

Our releases to Date are: 1. Say Hello To The Angels (Self Titled EP), 2. Modern Fire (Altercation Records), 3. Break Your Sword (Altercation Records), 4. Stay Awake (Altercation Records)


What kind of music and bands affect you when you start the band?

-We have been influenced by many bands. We come from a wide ranging background, from Classic Rock, Metal, Hardcore, Pop Punk, New Wave, and even some old school folk. I think the previous bands we were in influenced us a lot as well. I (Dustin Stroud) was in a band called “Riddlin’ Kids” on Columbia Records, and Sony Japan. We toured with our good friends “Zebrahead,” and “Gold Finger” quite a bit, and I was very influenced by that scene. Benjie and Ray Ray (the brothers Benitez) have been in the same bands together for their whole life. The band they played before Say Hello To The Angels, “Ruberhed” was an energetic crossover band, that bridged the gap between pop punk, hardcore, and hip hop. TJ Comes from an amazing Ska Punk band called “The Buzz Killers,” the have great songs and tons of energy.

I think the bands that actually influenced the start of Say Hello To The Angels were probably Hotwater Music, Zebrahead, Rise Against, and even the Foo Fighters.


What is the origin of your band name “Say Hello To The Angels”?

-We wanted a name that projected positive energy and an optimistic outlook. The short answer would be all the other good names were taken, but the long answer is that maybe too much thought was put into it. We threw around many names, and believe it or not Benjie and I thought about calling it Haiden or New Haiden, after the Shinto Shrines. It is a beautiful idea and ideology. “A hall of offering, or sacred shrine;” this is what we feel music is like to us. It is a way we connect with people and even to our spirituality. Music is that important to us. In the end I decided I didn’t understand enough about the culture and intricacies of Shinto to be able to name our band after it. We wanted to uplift people and bring positive energy to the world, and not offend anyone. So in the end we went with the western idea of “Angels.” Communicating with something that is connected to some higher force, even if we don’t fully understand it.


I found you released new album called “Stay Awake” this March. Please let me know what kind of album “Stay Awake” is. Especially, I’d like to know what kind of musical essence with when you make the album, and what kind of message you sing in the album.

Stay Awake is about not losing sight of our responsibilities to always hold Authority of the State in Check. This world is getting crazier every day. We have all been influenced heavily in the band by politically motivated subject matter in music, as well melody and rhythm. In our everyday lives it’s easy for the people to be lulled into sleep and not pay attention to the world around us. We don’t like to come right out and preach a message to people, but the message is there in our music if you search for it. We mostly want to project positive energy and Leave the listener with a great feeling of having their faces melted, and being thoroughly rocked. The whole message of the album is within the title track of “Stay Awake.”  We say, “This is the dawn of our lives, staying up to watch it rise… If you want to be a part of it, Say Awake!”


How was the response for the new album in your local scene and around US?

-The response has been pretty good. We are on Altercation Records, and they are very supportive. We had a great time at the festival South By South West (SXSW). We had our CD release at the Altercation Records showcase, and their other popular show, The Annual Punk Rock Barbeque. We got to play with Teenage Bottle Rocket, Off With Their Heads, and other awesome bands that are also on Altercation (Lost In Society and New Red Scare).


Please let me know about the punk rock scene in Austin, Texas. Who other bands you often play the the show with?

-The Austin, Texas music scene is a shadow of what it once was. We used to have more unity and support for each other. There are still a lot of awesome Bands here, it’s just not as together as it used to be. Perhaps younger bands will come along and do better than us and bring a community back to the punk rock scene here. That being said there are some great new bands: Riot Scene, Thieves, Stampede, Three’s Away, River Boat Gamblers, Nowhere Bound, The Buzzkillers, Devils and Dust, Brady Black, Fight Plan, and too many other bands to be able to name here. We love our scene and are optimistic for the future of Music in Austin. We want to foster a strong scene, and not just people coming and going during festivals like SXSW and AustinCityLimits Fest.


Do you have a plan to do release shows or release tour?

-We would love to do a whole release tour in Japan. Ask people if they would like to see us there, and we would love to come. We are good friends with the boys in Zebrahead, and they say Japan is the greatest place to tour in the world… I believe them!


Do you know something about punk rock scene in Japan? (Japanese bands, for example) And what impression do you have about Japan?  (culture, people, etc.)

-Unfortunately, I don’t know as much as I would like about the Japanese punk rock scene. I saw a movie early in my experience discovering punk rock. Not many people in the USA are familiar with the crazy awesome Japanese 80’s movie, “Burst City.” It turned me on to bands that were early in the scene like The Stalin and The Rockers. I also later saw a great movie called “Wild Zero,” with one of my favorite garage rock bands Guitar Wolf! This movie has two of my favorite things Zombies and Rock and Roll! I didn’t get turned on to any other stuff until one day I was talking to a friend about the Misfits and he asked me if I had heard of Balzac. I instantly loved the band and their Horror’ sound. I still to this day have them as a PANDORA channel and it’s better than my Misfits channel. I also really like this Japanese band called Bomb Factory. They are very melodic, and have great songs.

Ever since I was a young boy and listened to Cheap Trick, Live at Budokan record over and over again, I have dreamed of going to Japan! Japan has the greatest music fans in the world. There is no comparison and there can be no argument in the matter. Ben from Zebrahead has told me that there is no other experience like playing Japan. It is my dream and ambition to be able to come play some day. As I said before, I wish I knew about more bands I could check out. Maybe you can send me some bands to listen to.

As for the culture and the people, here is the U.S. we are in love with your culture and your people. I feel that the West and the East feed off of each other and constantly influence one another. Of course anything I have gotten to experience culturally has been filtered through our media, and second hand. Again, I want to come to Japan and be immersed in the culture and get to meet new people and experience new things.


Thank you so much. At last, please give me a message for Japanese reader.

-We are honored that you guys have listened to our music and checked out this interview. We hope to get the chance to meet you all soon, and share more music and ideas!


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