[Interview] Xubo (Chinese Football)


中国のウーハン(武漢) 出身のEmo/Indie Rockバンド、Chinese Football。様々なジャンルの音楽からいろんな要素を取り出し、それをオリジナリティあふれるものへと昇華させた、そのサウンドで中国シーンを代表するバンドです。


(Interview by Shane Dover / Translate by 3104punx)

Facebook / bandcamp

(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese sentences, so please click “Read More…” and go through to the bottom.)


中国のロックシーンの歴史は、たった30年ほど。出身地のウーハンは、90年代後期には”Punk City”と呼ばれていたけど、今じゃパンクバンドなんて5バンドもいないんじゃないかな。punkやemoのシーンを作るのに十分なバンドやお客さんはいないけど、アンダーグラウンドミュージックという括りで見れば、シーンみたいなのは出来つつある。まだとても小さいし限定的だけど、見方を変えれば、まだまだ成長の余地があるってことだよね。




個人的には、 Yo La TengoやBelle & Sebastian、Sea and Cake、Fugaziといった90年代のサウンドが大好きで、それをポップパンクっぽくやり始めた感じ。高校生の頃に好きだったThe Get Up KidsやSaves the Day、Jimmy Eat Worldなんかも、今でも聞いてるよ。



12/23から始まるジャパンツアー、もうすぐですよね? ファンの前で演奏することのほかに、ツアーの中で楽しみにしていることはありますか?




メンバーはみんな、たくさん日本の音楽を聴いてるよ。個人的には、Nujabes、Cornelius、Supercar、NUMBER GIRL、envy、eastern youth、toe、トクマルシューゴ、はっぴいえんど、なんかが好きだね。日本の音楽、とっても好きだよ。





ジャパンツアー中に、ソロプロジェクト”A Hidden Trace”のライブを観れる可能性はありますか?


A Hidden Traceは2007年にスタートさせたから、来年で10周年なんだ。だから最初のデモアルバムを再録しようかとも考えてる。今はまだ予定でしかないけどね。


ミュージシャンのほかに、どのようなアーティストに影響を受けましたか? ソロプロジェクトでいえば、一番新しいアルバムのタイトルは” Like To Make Friends With People Who Like Wes Anderson”ですが、Wes Andersonの映画が影響を与えていたりしますか? 彼の映画は、emoやそのあたりのジャンルの音楽と共鳴する気がするんですが。


あと、ティーンネイジャーの頃に自分自身の価値を作り出す上で、映画を見ることはとても重要な方法だったように思う。「Fight Club」のような映画からは本当に影響を受けているんだ。そして、うん、Wes Andersonはとても好きだよ。「Rushmore」は5回以上見てるけど、毎回興奮するもんね。暖かい色使い、明るい雰囲気、しっかりとしたストーリー、そしてティーンスピリット、それが自分が音楽に求めることなんだ。






日本のバンドやライブハウスの数は、中国と比べてとても多いね。きっと競争が激しいし、多くのバンドの完成度が高いからなんだと思うけど。日本の人は、自分たちChinese Footballと同じく、趣味としての音楽に一生懸命に取り組んで演奏するけど、中国の多くのバンドは、ただロックスターになることだけ夢見て、あまりちゃんと取り組まない印象だね。地元だと、多くのバンドのメンバーは大学生で、いい曲を作るんだけど、卒業した瞬間すぐに解散しちゃうんだよね。



Chinese Footballの最新のリリースは、中国ツアーで共演したバンドを集めたコンピレーションアルバム、”Come Together!”ですよね。中国の素晴らしいバンドを知れるという点でとっても素晴らしい方法だと思います。ところで、次の新しい作品はいつ頃聞けることになりそうですか?

このコンピレーションは自分にとっても興味深いものなんだ。なぜなら、ツアーに出るまで名前も知らなかったバンドや、このコンピレーションを作るにあたってデモを録るように自分がけしかけたバンド、さらにはすでにイケてるレーベルと契約してるバンド、そんなツアー中に見つけた素晴らしいバンドが収録されてるからね。絶対に今回みたいなことは続けていきたいし、”Come Together vol .2”は、”Chinese Football and Friends in Japan!”としてリリースしようって、すでに構想してるよ。



時間をとっていただいてありがとうございました。今後のChinese Footballの活動に期待しています。


12/23から始まるジャパンツアーで、ぜひChinese Footballをチェックしてみてください。日程は以下のフライヤーの通りです。


また、Chinese Footballの音源はコチラ(bandcamp)で、またXuboのソロプロジェクト”a hidden trace”はコチラ(bandcamp)で、それぞれチェックできます。



Chinese Football are an emo/indie rock band from Wuhan, China. They’ve been representing China with their unique sound, which draws from all sorts of genres and forms something individual. They released a compilation album this year, back in February, that featured them as well as a collection of bands they shared the stage with on their first nation wide tour of China. We caught up with Xubo (徐波), guitarist, vocalist, and frontman of Chinese Football, to ask a few questions.

How do the Chinese emo and punk scenes differ from that of the West?

The rock-n-roll history in china is only 30 years old. Our hometown wuhan, so called “punk city” in late 90s, has less than 5 punk bands right now. There are not  enough bands and audience to create a ”punk or emo scene“ but yes, it does have some “scenes” right now for underground music but they are very small and  limited, in another side, it has enough space for growing.

We do the same DIY things as the West, the difference is maybe that we share the same fans with other genre bands.

Where do you draw your musical influence from?

For me, I am very into 90s sounds like Yo La Tengo / Belle & Sebastian / Sea and Cake / Fugazi, and started as a pop punky. I still listen to  Get Up Kids / Saves the Day / Jimmy Eat World, which I was in love with in high school.

Our guitarist likes J-Rock / J-Pop so much. And our bass player used to be a post-punker, so the influence is complicated.

You have an upcoming tour of Japan, beginning on the 23rd of December, which is fast approaching! What are you looking forward to most about your trip, outside of sharing your music with the audience here?

As a foodie, food is always the most looked forward to thing in our tour. We like to taste different foods and meet different people in different places. Music is the reason we come but not the most important thing.

Have you heard much music from Japan? If so, are there any artists you really enjoy?

We’ve heard a lot. I like Nujabes / Cornelius / Supercar / NUMBER GIRL / envy / eastern youth / toe / Shugo Tokumaru / happyend / etc… I really enjoy japanese music.

It must be incredibly exciting to be able to perform overseas from where the band formed, past Japan where’s your next goal?

Very exciting to start our overseas trip in Japan as we like Japan so much, we all grew up with japanese comics and animation. Maybe our next goal is US or EURO, because we often received messages from guys there who said love our music.

Is there any chance of seeing any shows of your solo project, “a hidden trace,” during your Japan tour?

So pleased that you know that project, but sorry we will not play my solo project’s songs in this tour. Good news is that I live in Kyoto now for study, and I set up a new band in Osaka to rehearse my solo project’s songs. May play some live shows next year. As the project “a hidden trace” started in 2007, so next year is the 10 years anniversary, I am considering re-recording the first demo album. Till now it’s just a plan.

What artists, outside of musicians, are you influenced by in your art? Speaking of your solo project, your most recent album was titled “I Like To Make Friends With People Who Like Wes Anderson,” have his films been a part of that influence? They certainly have a core that resounds with emo and the genres that surround it.

Japanese comics inspire us a lot, Matsumoto Taiyou / Minoru Furuya / Inoue Takehiko are the artists I like so much. Youth and frustration often became the topic for our songs. I’m also influenced by architect Kengo Kuma for his thoughts about architecture and nature. I think watching movies is a very important way in my teenage years to create my values, films like fight club influence me so much. And yes I like Wes Anderson’s films very much. I watched Rushmore more than 5 times, every time I feel so excited. The warm colors, the bright vibes, the complete stories and the teen spirit is exactly what I want to do for music.

You mentioned you’ve recently moved to live in Japan for study, what led to this decision? And now that you live here, have you gotten a chance to check out the local music scene? Does it feel all that different from the scene in China?

After travelling in Japan several times I began to more and more like this country, meanwhile I felt a little tired about my nearly 7-years-work in china as an architect, so before I lost my passion of my life I decided to come here to learn new things.

Sometimes I went to local live house to watch live shows and sometimes I camp in music festivals, it’s just a part of my daily life, no matter where I live. Japanese bands’ and live houses’ numbers are far more than China, because of that I think the competition is more intense and most bands are high in accomplishment. People here work hard and play hard, play music as a hobby, just the same as Chinese Football. But many bands in china look lazy, play music as showoffs dreaming of becoming rockstars. In my home town, most band members are college students, they made great music but break up immediately after graduation.

At the live show, Chinese audiences are more enthusiastic. It‘s easy to feel like a rockstar sometimes, haha. The audiences may not understand your music but he came to get high, so you rock, he get happy.

Chinese Football’s latest release is “Come Together!” which is a compilation album featuring bands you shared the stage with on your first nation wide tour of China, and it’s a fantastic way to find some great talent from your nation! When can we expect new music from you?

The compilation is also very interesting to myself, we discovered those great bands on the road, some of them we didn’t even know before the tour, some of them I pushed to record demos for this compilation, some of them are already signed by cool labels. I will surely continue to do this kind of stuff. “Come Together vol .2” is already in my mind as “Chinese Football and Friends in Japan!”

And if everything goes well, Chinese Football’s new 4 tracks EP will release this  December. And another EP for next year’s Spring.


Thanks for speaking with us Xubo, we’re all excited for what’s next for Chinese Football! You can check out Chinese Football on their tour of Japan, starting December 23rd, you can find the dates below:


You can check out Chinese Football’s debut EP, their self-titled album and Come Together! on the band’s Bandcamp page (http://chinesefootball.bandcamp.com/), Xubo’s solo project ‘a hidden trace’ on its own Bandcamp (https://ahiddentrace.bandcamp.com/) and follow Chinese Football on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/chinesefootballband/) for updates!

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