自分がJust FriendsのことをTwitterで呟いたのに対してメンバーがメッセージをくれたことで知り合ったカリフォルニアのPost Rock/Shoegazeバンド、Wander。1曲1曲がとても長く、美しいメロディーや展開のなかに相当の感情的なエネルギーを感じるバンドです。
(Interview and Translate by 3104punx)
Wander are;
Dr: Ryan David Francisco
Ba: Joseph Aguda
Gt: Bernard Barcela
Gt: Christian Francisco
(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese sentences, so please go through to the bottom.)
Ryan: ドラマーでコンポーザーのRyanです。
Jo: ベースのJoです。
Bernard: ギターのBernardです。
Christian: ギターのChristianです。
今年の3月に“March”というアルバムを自主レーベルのHeadless Queen Recordsからリリースしましたよね。どういった流れで自主レーベルからリリースことになったんですか?
Christian: (Headless Queen Recordsは)音楽的にも美的にもユニークなシーンにいるバンドを見せるプラットフォームを作りたいと思って取り組んでいます。
最初の試みはWanderのデビュー10インチ”Short Story Collection”と様々なDIYバンドを集めたコンピレーションアルバムです。そのコンピを振り返ってみたときに、CHONやTWIABPが参加してることに驚きますね。あと、同じ時期にYvette Youngsが”Acoustic EP”をレコーディングするのも手伝いました。それからは、Wanderや自分の個人的な目標のために動いてるって感じですけど。去年はWanderとスプリットをリリースしたYoung Loversと一緒に仕事をしました。
Bernard: 今回のアルバムは、Young Loversとのスプリットとデビューアルバムの”Glass”に続いて、HQRから3枚目となるWanderのリリースですね。
Ryan: バンドとして、いつでも自分たち自身についていけるよう演奏しています。
Jo: 実はもともとはもっと早くリリースするはずだったんです。Ryanが言ったように、ほとんどの曲は何年も前の曲で、時間をかけてそれらを集めて音的な面でも感情的な面でもベストだと感じるように仕上げていったんです。
Bernard: サウンド面で言えば、今回のアルバムはWanderというバンドを定義するものだと思います。というのも、Marchに収録されている曲はここ数年ずっと演奏してきているからです。一番早くレコーディングした曲で言えば2015年に遡りますね。
Ryan: Marchは、自分たちのスタイルの中のノスタルジックで美しい部分を探求した曲を集めたアルバムです。メインテーマは美しさと生き返り、ですかね。
Bernard: このリリースに先駆けて、Wanderの未来を良くも悪くも左右しかねない個人的な出来事がたくさん起こったんです。でも、それらの出来事を通じて、個人的にもバンドとしても成長したと感じるし、より前に進んでいける準備ができたと思っています。Marchは自分たちの情緒をカプセルに包んだような作品ですね。
Ryan: 自分たちみたいなインストロックバンドは、いつでもアンダーグラウンドの音楽シーンの動きの中に存在しているように感じます。
Christian: 去年はCovetとツアーしたんですけど、本当にそれはすごい経験でした。
Yvette Youngとはずっと友達で、彼女の最初のアコースティックEPのレコーディングを手伝いました。
Christian: MONOのライブを見たことで、音楽に対する見方が完全に変わりました。あとtoeからもめちゃくちゃ影響を受けてます。あとMouth on the KeysやTeにも憧れてますね。
Christian: 近々日本でライブをしたいですね。今年の末から来年の早いうちに、何かしら動けたらと思っています。
[Release Info]

タイトル: March
リリース日: 2019/3/1
レーベル: Honest Queen Records
First of all, please introduce yourself to readers.
Ryan: I am Ryan, the Drummer and Composer for the band Wander.
Jo: I am Jo, I play bass in Wander.
Bernard: I am Bernard and I play guitar in Wander
Christian: I am Christian, I play guitar in Wander.
You will release new LP called “March” this March from your own label Headless Queen Records. Why are you going to release new LP from your own label?
Christian: I want to build a platform to showcase bands within our musically and aesthetically unique scene. My first attempt was in 2013 with Wander’s debut 10” LP “Short Story Collection”, and a digital compilation that had a very diverse range of D.I.Y. acts at the time. I looked back recently and was surprised to see CHON and The World is a Beautiful Place on it. We helped record Yvette Youngs “Acoustics E.P.” around that time. I sort of focused solely on just Wander and personal goals after that period. Last year we worked with Young Lovers (bandofyounglovers.bandcamp.com) to release a split LP with Wander. We’ve grown into a small team now and getting more organized. I am looking forward to reaching out to newer bands and helping them release their music.
Bernard: This will have been Wander’s third official release under HQR – preceded by our 12” split with Young Lovers and our sophomore album “Glass”.
I heard your upcoming release. I got the feeling that the sounds become brighter than that of your old release. Is there any change as a band or in personal events?
Ryan: As a band we are always playing catch up with ourselves. A lot of these songs we wrote years ago but haven’t had the chance to release them until later. Every previous release was like that. This time we have an album that was written completely. The themes and messages for each song are more relatable than previous albums we’ve released.
Jo: We had initially intended to release these songs much earlier. Like Ryan said, most of these songs are years old, and over time we kind of collected them and felt like they fit the best together in terms of sound and emotion.
Bernard: I feel like this album was what I identified Wander with the most when it came to our sound because we had been playing songs off of “March” for years. One of the earliest live recordings dates back to 2015.
Wander is a so-called instrumental band, right? It seems difficult to express some message in your music, but I think you have some theme or message in your music. What is the main theme in your upcoming release “March”?
Ryan: March is a collection of songs that explore the nostalgic and beautiful side of our style. The main theme for this album is beauty and renewal.
Bernard: Leading up to this release, a lot has happened in our personal lives that may have changed the future of Wander for better or worse. But through these events, I feel like we’ve grown as individuals, and as a band, and are ready to move forward. I think “March” encapsulates that sentiment.
Is there any difficult thing because of being an instrumental band? And, what is the merit or charm as being an instrumental band?
Ryan: I think instrumental rock bands like us have always been a part of an underground music movement. The difficulty comes from explaining what we sound like to someone who isn’t familiar with our style. There can be something so pure and honest about listening to instrumental music. Without the lyrics you focus on the melodies and rhythms and since you can’t relate to the message written in words you can only feel what you are hearing.
What kind of bands do you usually play with at the venue? Please let me know about your close bands and your music scene.
Christian: We went on tour with Covet last year, that was an experience! We’ve been friends with Yvette Young, helped record her first acoustic E.P.. Dokoe (dokoe.bandcamp.com) is another amazing band from our area, they are math rock. Floral (floral1.bandcamp.com) is great too, we’re touring with them right now!
Do you have any favorite Japanese band?
Christian: Seeing Mono changed our whole perspective on music. Also, the band Toe is a huge influence. We also admire Mouse on the Keys and Te! We played with Tricot when they played San Francisco! They are amazing people. We hold Japanese music influence on Wander dear to our heart.
I heard you hit the road to SXSW after upcoming release. Is there any other exciting thing and want-to-do thing in this year?
Christian: We’d love to play Japan soon! We were kicking around the idea of setting something up early next year or later this year. Possibly touring out to the East Coast of the U.S and recording our follow up record! It’s fully written.