AGATHAとloqtoという2組の日本のバンドの音源をリリースしたインドネシアのレーベル、KAT Rekords。
(Interview and Translate by 3104punx)
(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese sentences, so please go through to the bottom.)
インドネシア出身のTir Saputraです。カセットテープだけをリリースする小さなレーベル”KAT Rekords”をスタートさせました。
1. rejectedkids [Sing, Guitar]
2. Take. [Sing, Guitar, Drums (only on recording session)]
3. eleventwelfth [Bass, Sing] You can find this band on digital platform like Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
4. ache [drums]
5. The Sangkiltons [Sing, Bass]
6. Kuro! [Guitar, Sing]
7. HONG! [Guitar, Sing]
8. Linger [Additional bass player]
9. Total Jerks [Additional guitar]
10. Beatrix [Bass, Sing] (hiatus)
11. Grey Grace [Drums] (broke up)
12. ALE [Drums, Sing]
13. Jimi Jazz [Guitars]
14. hiru [Drums]
KAT Rekordsっていうレーベル名の由来はなんですか?
もちろん、猫が大好きってのもあるけど、ぼくと僕の妻の名前、Keke and Tirから来てるんだ。彼女はレーベルの経済的なところを管理してくれてるし、レーベルのアートワークも彼女によるものなんだ。RekordsはRecordsの意味。
カセットはまだまだ一般的だよ。子供のころから今に至るまでずっとあるし、多分なくなることはないと思う。テープでリリースしてるレーベルもたくさんあるし。たとえば友達のRizkan Recordsなんか、レーベル始めた最初からテープでリリースしてるよ。あとインドネシアでは、いろんなビンテージものもまだまだ手に入るからねー(笑)
もしパンクやD-beat、アングラな音楽を探すなら、Taman Puringにある”Purink Merindink”とSouth Jakartaにある”Hardcore Hell”がおすすめ。あと、タンゲランにあるメトロポリスモールの中にある唯一のレコードショップ、DemajorsとLangen Srawaなんかもいいね。
それに、良いリリースをたくさん手がけているRizkan Recordsのディストロはチェックするべきだし、タンゲランのバンドをたくさんリリースしている唯一のレーベルRoaches Recordsも要チェック。大阪のRevenge Recordsでリリース作品が売られているNecros Recordsなんかもあるね。
近々インドネシアのKnowhereと、日本のI Like Young Girlsによるスプリッをリリース予定だよ。そのあとはリリースした音源をしっかりと販売することに注力するかな。正直にいうと、あんまりたくさんの予定があるわけじゃないんだ。っていうのも、レーベルの運営は、自分の銀行の口座にどれくらいのお金が残っているかにかかっているからね。うまく行くように祈っておいてよ!(笑)
First, please introduce yourself and your new project.
Hello, my name is Tir Saputra from Indonesia and I just started a new small record label named “KAT Rekords” who released cassette tapes format only.
I think you play in a many bands. Would you let me know the all bands?
Hahahaha i’m not ready for thisLet me introduce all my music project but i just playing for fun LOL.
1. rejectedkids [Sing, Guitar]
2. Take. [Sing, Guitar, Drums (only on recording session)]
3. eleventwelfth [Bass, Sing] You can find this band on digital platform like Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
4. ache [drums]
5. The Sangkiltons [Sing, Bass]
6. Kuro! [Guitar, Sing]
7. HONG! [Guitar, Sing]
8. Linger [Additional bass player]
9. Total Jerks [Additional guitar]
10. Beatrix [Bass, Sing] (hiatus)
11. Grey Grace [Drums] (broke up)
12. ALE [Drums, Sing]
13. Jimi Jazz [Guitars]
14. hiru [Drums]
and many more LOL. Sorry these are so disturbing.
What is the origin of the name “KAT Rekords”?
Hmm.. KATREKORDS… Yeah, of course we do love cat. KAT is from my name and my wife’s name Keke And Tir because she help me to manage all financial things and artwork has done by her. Rekords is for records.
What drives you to start a new label?
It started last year when I went to Japan and I did a tour with my band (elventwelfth). There was a venue named DUES Shinjuku where I played with Agatha and their live performance got me stoked instantly. Actually, I have never been into math-rock so much, just listening to a couple of them, but at that time I felt like I have let everyone knows about this band in my place so I decide to set up a label and releasing Agatha’s First EP called ‘Wired’ in Indonesia.
There are more Japanese great emo or math-rock bands so i hope i have enough cashes in the future to put their records and let them tour over here.
Why you choose two Japanese bands for first release?
That’s all happened accidentally. So when Agatha’s ‘Wired’ EP’s released, this label gets good response from all friends here and in coincidence Loqto contacted me via IG direct message and as a matter of fact these guys are still in the same circle of friends in Tokyo with Agatha. So such a pleasure to know that they asked me to put out their records.
Is cassette popular format in your country?
Cassette tapes are still popular here. Since I was a kid up to these days they are still exist and never vanish lol. There are a lot of labels here still releasing their catalogues on tape format. IE my colleague, Rizkan Records, he always put out his releases on tape format since the beginning. You can still find many vintage things here in Indonesia. hahaha
And how do you think about cassette?
The Cassette tape is Essential for me. Too many memories from the tape deck.
Where can you get the physical copies in Indonesia? Is there many music shop? Please let me know some recommended music shop around your area (or in Indonesia).
Yes, we have lots of records shop here that still selling records on cassette tape format. If you wanna come here someday and looking for it just go to basement of Blok-M square in Jakarta because they selling everything about physical released like tape, CD,vinyl all genre.
If you looking for Punk/Dbeat/Underground music you can go to Purink Merindink at Taman Puring and Hardcore Hell in South Jakarta, The one and only records shop at Metropolis mall, Demajors, Langensrawa in Tangerang (My town), You must check Rizkan Records’s distro has lots of good releases, Roaches Records the one and only records label who release many bands from Tangerang, Necros records who distributed their stuff on Revenge Records (Osaka), and and there so many seller online on Facebook/instagram will broke your wallet very soon.
Thank you for this time. In the end, please let me know your future plan!
I plan to put out a split album of Knowhere (Indonesia) and I Like Young Girls (Japan) which going to be release very soon and probably I will get myself focused on selling my releases. Honestly, there aren’t much plan about this label cause the operations of it now still leaning to how much cashes I have in my bank account. So wish me luck for this! Hahahaha.
Thank you Satoshi Matsumura from PUNX SAVE THE EARTH for your attention, I hope we can meet again someday.