[Interview] Odd Dates

Odd Dates

ミシガン州のEmo/Math Rockバンド、Odd Datesにインタビューを行いました。最近、bandcampに2曲入りのEP”File Dump”をアップしたばかり。複雑な展開が気持ちよく押し寄せる展開のロックが好きな人はぜひともチェックしてみてください。

Odd Dates are;
Guitar: Jeremy
Drums: Sam

Facebook / bandcamp



 こちらこそありがとう。僕たちはOdd Datesというバンドで、ストリングスを演奏するJeremyとドラムのSamの2人組。歌は二人とも歌っているよ。五大湖を取り囲むミトン(手袋)のような形のミシガン州の中でも比較的と大きな都市、Grand Rapidsの出身です。このバンドは前のバンドが解散した後、2012年の夏から始めたんだ。様々な音楽が好きで、本当に広くいろんなアーティストから影響を受けているんだけど、普段はクセのあるEmoやMath Rockにちょっぴり腑抜けた要素を取り入れた音楽を演奏しているよ。


 Jeremy: ずっと大好きなバンドを二つ挙げると、Modest MouseとDeath Cab for Cutieだね。 ギターに関して言うと、The Fall of Troy のギターリフやTera Melosの即興的な演奏に大いに影響を受けてる。ほかにも、 Rush, Megadeth, Every Time I DIe, This Town Needs Guns, Look Mexicoといったバンドが大好きなんだけどね。バンド名を挙げだすと本当にキリがないよ。

 Sam: このバンドを始めたときを思い出すと、ヘビーメタルやハードコアをたくさん聞いていた気がするなぁ。MastodonやGojira、Every Time I Dieといったバンドをね。自分のドラミングスタイルは様々なところから影響されていると思うけど、 The Mars Volta, Hella, and The Fall of Troy.といったバンドからの影響は確実にあるね。

最近では、DadsNai Harvestのような2人組バンドがシーンにもたくさん登場していきています。あなたたちも2人組バンドですよね。2人でバンドをやっていくにあたって、良いところと苦労するところを教えてもらえますか。

 練習や作品を作るために集まりやすいから、2人組バンドっていうのはいいと思うね。あと、大きなバンも必要ないから、簡単にたくさんツアーできるし。 逆に苦労するのは、フルバンドのような曲を演奏するときかな。だから自分たちの書く曲やバンドでできることっていうのは、そのことを意識した結果のものになってるんだ。




 僕たちの出身地はアメリカ、ミシガン州のGrand Rapidsという都市。さっき言ったように、ミトンの形をした州ね。 今はとっても寒くて、雪が自分たちの背ぐらい積もってるよ。もう本当に嫌になるけど、夏は本当に素晴らしいから、まぁいいかって感じ。 Grand Rapidsは芸術や音楽が盛んでどんどん成長してもいるんだ。 Running Shoesっていうバンドとは本当に仲が良くて、一緒にツアーに行ったりもしたよ。 Grand Rapidsはたくさんの素晴らしい出来事が起こる街なんだ。自分たちはDetroitの郊外で育ったんだけど、そこよりもずっと素晴らしい街だね。


 日本について自分たちが知っている唯一のこと、それは日本をツアーしたいってことかな。あ、二人とも寿司は大好きだよ。 Blue Friendは自分たち知っている素晴らしい日本のバンド。あと、toeはアメイジングだね。

今後の計画はどんな感じですか? リリースやツアーの予定はありますか?

 EPをリリースしたばかりだよ。本当はスプリットになる予定だったんだけど、結局頓挫しちゃって。”File Dump”っていうEPさ。去年リリースしたEP” Get Even.と一緒に、Ozona Records からカセットテープとしてリリースされる予定だよ。Bancampからも無料でダウンロードできるようになっているし。

 あと、Lions, My First Castle, Gulferと一緒に4-way スプリットをリリースする予定があるんだ。来月か再来月あたりに Enjoyment Records から7インチレコードとしてリリースされる予定だよ。本当にどのバンドも大好きで、リリースされるのが楽しみだね。.





For English speakers 

Thank you for having time for this interview. First, please introduce yourself. (When did you start the band, what kind of music do you like and play, where are you from, etc.)

Hey, thanks for having us. We’re Odd Dates, we consist of Jeremy playing strings, Sam hitting drums, and both of us saying things. We’re from Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is one of the bigger cities in that state that looks like a mitten with all the lakes around it. We started this band in the summer of 2012 after our previous band broke up. We like lots of different music and take influence from a really wide variety of artists, but we usually end up playing some sort of weird emo math rock stuff with some spaz thrown in.


When you started the band, what bands were you guys influenced by?

Jeremy: I would say two of my favorite bands of all time would be Modest Mouse and Death Cab for Cutie. Guitar wise, I feel like I draw alot of influence from The Fall of Troy in their riffage and a lot of the improvisational stuff in Tera Melos. I love a lot of bands though, like Rush, Megadeth, Every Time I DIe, This Town Needs Guns, Look Mexico. I don’t know I’m really all over the place and could sit here naming too many bands.

Sam: I feel that around the time we started this project I was listening to a lot of heavy metal and hardcore music. Bands like Mastodon, Gojira, and Every Time I Die. I think my drumming style comes from a variety of places, but I note that it comes from many bands like The Mars Volta, Hella, and The Fall of Troy.


These days, two person bands like Dads and Nai Harvest are coming up in the scene. And I think that you guys are also a two person band. Would you let me know what the good points and the difficult points of playing music with two people are?

It’s nice being a two piece because it makes it really easy to get together for practice and stuff with only two people. It also makes touring alot easier because we don’t need a gigantic van. It can be really challenging sometimes to play stuff that sounds full though. So, it definitely influences what we write and can do as a band.


Your music sounds very beautiful, but there are some complicated parts in the songs. How do you create your music?

Usually Jeremy will come up with some guitar parts and maybe vocals that sort of make up a song. Then Jeremy will show it to Sam, and we just play through parts over and over. We’ll work out transitions for parts and certain cues we can use. Eventually, when the song has a structure, we’ll start adding more and more vocals until we’re happy.


Tell me about your hometown. What kind of music scene does your hometown have? Please let me know about bands you’re sharing the stage with.

Our hometown is Grand Rapids, Michigan in the United States. Like we said, it’s the mitten one. It’s really fucking cold here right now, and the snow has gotten to be as tall as we are. It really sucks, but our summers are really nice too so it’s okay. Grand Rapids has a really thriving and growing art and music scene. The band Running Shoes are some of are best friends, and we recently went on a tour with them. There are a lot of awesome things happening. We grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, and it’s much better than there.


Do you know something about Japan? (Japanese bands, food, culture, etc.)

The only thing we know for certain about Japan, is that we want to tour there. Oh, and we both like sushi alot. Blue Friend is a really awesome band we know from Japan. Also, Toe is amazing.


What are your future plans? Do you have plans for a release and tour?

We just released an EP that was supposed to be a split, but that didn’t work out. It’s called File Dump. It’s being released on tape by Ozona Records along with our debut EP from the last year, Get Even. You can also download them for free on our bandcamp.

We also have a 4 way split 7 inch record with the bands Lions, My First Castle, and Gulfer. It’s being released by Enjoyment Records sometime in the next month or two. We love all those bands, and we’re so excited for it to come out.

We’re playing shows in our hometown and nearby for the next few months, hopefully with a full US tour sometime later this year.


Thank you you so much. This is the end, please give a message for Japanese music lovers.

We can’t wait to meet you Japan. Keep being rad. Support your local artists. We’ll see you sooner than you (or us) think.

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