芯のあるパンクロックサウンドとメロディーの良さが魅力のイギリスExeter出身のインディーパンクバンド、Muncie Girls。約2年半ぶりとなるニューアルバム”Fixed Ideals”のリリースを今年の8/31に控えています。
今回は新作の国内盤リリースを手がけるWaterslide Recordsに話をいただいて、ボーカルのLandeにメールでインタビューに答えてもらいました。新しい作品についてや、各地大盛況となった今年5月のジャパンツアーなどについて答えてもらっています。
(Interview and Translate by 3104punx)
(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese sentences, so please go through to the bottom.)
Hello!Muncie Girlsでギターとボーカルを担当しているLandeです。Muncie Girlsっていうバンド名は、1994年に発表されたCohen Brothersの映画「The Hudsucker Proxy(邦題: 未来は今)」から来ているの。その映画を観れば由来が分かるかな。
新しいアルバム”Fixed Ideals”のリリース決定、おめでとうございます。すでに音源を聴かせてもらっているんですけど、大好きで何回も聴いています。このアルバムに入っている曲は、いつ頃から作り始めたんですか?
個人的には、このアルバムの製作中、いろんなインディーミュージックを聴いていたかな。PastelsやThe Popguns, The VaselinesにThe Sundaysみたいなバンドね。あ、でも、The ReplacementsやSiouxsie and The Bansheesも同じくたくさん聴いたよ。
今作”Fixed Ideals”のタイトルは、前のアルバムと同じく、Sylvia Plath(アメリカの詩人)の作品から印象してるってことをたまたま知りました。なぜそのようなタイトルにしたのか、アルバムのテーマみたいなものがあれば、合わせて教えてください。
うん、”Sonnet to Eva”っていうポエムから取っているよ。もともとは”Perfume, Politics and Fixed Ideals”っていうタイトルにしたかったんだけど、ちょっと長ったらしくて。このアルバムでは、人の政治的傾向や難しい関係性、そして社会が突きつけてくる巨大な圧力について歌っているんだ。
横浜での夜はとっても楽しかったなぁ。Studil Oliveでのライブだったんだけど、その屋上でBBQをしたんだ。その日はDeanの誕生日だったのと、私もその数日前に誕生日だったのもあって、友達がケーキを持って来てくれて、みんなでバーステーソングを歌ってくれたの。もちろん、毎晩が楽しかったけどね。
[Release Info]
タイトル: Fixed Ideals
リリース日: 2018/8/31
レーベル: Waterslide Records (Japan) / Specialist Subject Records (UK&EU) / Buzz Records (US) / Lost Boy Records (AUS)
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview. First of all, would you introduce yourself? And I’m interested in where did the band name from. Please let me know.
Hello! I’m Lande, the guitarist and singer in the band Muncie Girls. The name came from the 1994 Cohen Brothers film, The Hudsucker Proxy. The reference only makes sense if you watch the film.
Congratulations for upcoming new release “Fixed Ideals”. I’ve already heard of it many times, really love it. When did you start song-writing for this album?
Thanks very much. I started writing some of the songs for Fixed Ideals before the last album was released. But a few of the songs weren’t finished until just before we went into the studio. The whole process was long!
Although punkish beats are still noticeable, I feel it sounds milder and more gentle than before. Would you let me know the music you’ve listened to while you’re writing songs for this album and influenced to your song-making?
Personally I was listening to a lot more indie music when we were making this record. Bands like the Pastels, The Popguns, The Vaselines, The Sundays, but also a lot of The Replacements and Siouxsie and The Banshees.
The tone colors of all songs are very nice. It sounds warm, gentle, twinkling (I can’t express it well). Is there anything you tried or you’re conscious of on sound-making?
I think the twinkling is down to a lot of glockenspiel and acoustic guitar underneath the electric guitars. We also put lots of harmonies and keys in the songs and focused on the melody. We always get carried away layering up when we record stuff, which sometimes takes away from the raw sound.
I happened to know the title “Fixed Ideals” was inspired by a Sylvia Plath quote, like the first album title. Why did you name this album as “fixed Ideals”? Please let me know the theme of the album if it exists.
Yeah, it’s from a poem called Sonnet to Eva. I originally wanted to call it ‘Perfume, Politics and Fixed Ideals’ but that was a bit of a mouthful! The themes in the album are personal politics, difficult relationships and the huge pressure that society puts on us.
When did you finish recording the album? Was it after Japan tour?
We finished recording the album a year ago! It took us a long time to get it mixed and then mastered, and then to organise the release so we’ve had to be patient! When we were in Japan, we were playing old songs so we’d love to go back and play new songs!
Please let me ask some questions about Japan tour. How was your tour? Did you enjoy it?
Of course we enjoyed it! We had the best time ever. We made friends for life and we won’t ever forget our time there.
Is there any memorable story or episode in the tour?
One of the best nights we had was in Yokohama. We played at Studio Olive and we had a BBQ on the roof. It was Dean’s birthday and mine was a few days before so some friends brought out a cake and everyone sang happy birthday! Every night on the tour was great though.
How did you think about Japanese local indie music scene and live venue? And I also want to know which bands impressed you in Japan.
The music scene is incredible. We couldn’t believe how many good bands there were. Some favourites were Summerman, Falls, Diskover, Four Brothers and Forbear.
Thank you for taking time. I’m looking forward you to coming back to Japan with upcoming album and play fantastic shows! To close, please give a message to Japanese punk rock lovers.
Thanks, we can’t wait to come back! Japan is one of the best places we’ve ever toured, and the scene is really special so to those involved, you should be very proud.