パンクやエモ、そしてポップミュージックと、様々な音楽性を自分たちの中に取り入れて数々の名曲を生み出した、カリフォルニアが誇る伝説的メロディックパンクバンド、Gameface。13年間の活動の後、惜しまれつつ解散するも、2012年には再結成ライブを行い、そのままバンドの活動を続行。そして2014年、アルバム”Now is What Matters Now”のリリースで完全復活を果たす。パンクロックにポップミュージックの要素を取り入れた、今風のポップパンクの元祖といえばこのバンド。90年代に続き再びメロディックパンクが盛り上がりを見せる現在のシーンに帰ってきてくれた意味は大きいと感じます。今回は、バンドのボーカルJeffにインタビューに答えていただきました。 (Interviewer; @3104punx)
Gameface are;
Jeff Caudill – Vocal & Guitar
Todd D. Trout – Guitar
Steven Sanderson – Drums
Guy Julian – Bass
古くからの友人たちやファンたちと再び繋がりを持てるってのは最高だね。長い時間経っても、自分たちがみんなにとって何らかの意味を持っているということを知れて嬉しいね。 2012年にいくつかのライブをやるために再結成したときは、バンドとしての活動をそのまま続けて新しい曲を作る予定なんかなかったんだけど、みんなの反応はある意味自然なもので、そして新しくもあった。とにかく、しばらく感じたことのないような興奮を覚えたね。
全世界的にはEqual Vision Recordsから、そしてここ日本ではBullionから3/18に”Now is What Matters Now”がリリースされますが、このアルバムのタイトルには、どのような気持ちが込められているのですか?
自分は、”Every Last Time”や”Cupcakes”といった作品に似てると感じるな。とてもヘビーなギターと力強いメロディーがたくさん詰まってるからね。
リードトラックとして先行公開されているオープニングナンバー”Come On Down ”の歌詞はものすごく前向きで勇気づけられるようなものになっていますよね。このアルバムの中で歌っている歌詞のテーマはどのようなものになっていますか?また、最近のメロディックパンクシーンには、悲しい出来事や現実を歌って人気を博しているバンドも多くいますが、そのあたりについてはどう感じていらっしゃいますか?
New Found GloryやThe Atarisといったあなた達に影響を受けたバンドたちが、さらに多くのバンドに影響を与え、現在アメリカでは多くのメロディックパンクバンドと呼ばれるバンドが存在しているように思います。若手バンドの中で注目しているバンドや、ともにショウやツアーを行いたいと思うバンドはいますか?
多くの若いバンド達に影響を与えてきたということについては、本当に誇りに思っているよ。自分が大好きな若手アーティストはRestorations、The Gaslight Anthem、Title Fight、Into It. Over It.なんかだね。もう自分自身がずいぶん歳をとっちゃったから、全部が全部「若手」バンドじゃないかもしれないけどね。
かなり限定的だけど、ツアーを行う予定さ。この春にテキサスで行われるSXSWと、ベルギーで行われるGroezrock festitalに出演することを発表したばかりだよ。もちろん、日本には本当に行きたいと思ってる。日本でライブをしたことはないんだけど、もしいつの日かやれたら、それは自分たちの願いが叶う日だね。
Interview by 3104punx
For English speakers
First, thank you for coming back to the scene. When the news about your upcoming release came out, many people must have been excited. Would you tell me your honest feelings when you have come back in the scene? And how did you feel about your fans reaction in that time?
It was great to connect with old friends and fans again. It felt good to know that our band still means something to people after all these years. When we reunited for a few shows in 2012 we didn’t plan on continuing the band and making new music – but it felt so natural and new again. There was an excitement I hadn’t felt in a while.
“Now is What Matters Now” is the title for your upcoming release, which is coming out from Equal Vision Records and Bullion on March 18th. What kind of feelings do you put into that title?
This album says a lot about recognizing the opportunities you get in your lifetime – and the time we have to take advantage of them. Life is a series of moments and this is about making the best of the moments we have.
“Now is What Matters Now” is your 6th full-length, isn’t it? Your sound varies among your past five albums, and which album is similar with upcoming release in terms of sound and melody?
For me, this album feels similar to ‘Every Last Time’ and ‘Cupcakes’. Lots of strong melodies but very guitar heavy.
I think the lyircs of ”Come On Down ”, the lead track for upcoming release, are very positive and courage-giving. Is there any theme of something among the lyrics of songs in “Now is What Matters Now”? And these days, some popular melodic punk bands sing about san and unhappy reality. What are you feeling about that?
I wanted to write an album that would give people hope – and make people smile. Yes, there is a lot of negativity in the world and a lot of depressing music everywhere and I don’t want to contribute to that. I’ve always tried to write songs that speak to people in a real way. I always want to give people a positive voice. You have to stay positive. That’s even more important now that I’m older.
In 90’s and 00’s, US melodic punk rock scene was very lively centering on West Coast. These days, however, there are more bands and there have more energetic melodic punk rock scene on East Coast, I think. My observation is correct? And how are you thinking about West Coast music scene in the whole US music scene.
Yes I agree. There are some really great bands coming from Philadelphia, New Jersey and Brooklyn these days. And even though we are proud of being from California, Gameface has always identified more with the east coast scene. We’ve always been more attracted to the aesthetic of the east coast bands.
Your music has an influence on so many bands like New Found Glory and The Ataris, and now so many young bands called as “melodic punk” or “pop punk” are affected by those bands. Would you tell me young bands which you pay attention to and you want to do some shows with?
We are definitely honored to have been an influence to many younger bands. Some of the younger bands I like may not really be all that young (Restorations, Gaslight Anthem, Title Fight, Into it. Over It) maybe because I’m getting so much older!
Many fans are expecting for tour after upcoming release. Do you have a plan to tour? And, how about Japan tour? Please let me know about your future plan as far as You can tell.
We are going to do some limited touring. We just announced that we’ll be playing SXSW in Texas and the Groezrock festival in Belgium in the spring. Of course we would absolutely love to come to Japan. Gameface has never played Japan and it would be a dream come true for us to make it there someday.
Thank you very much. At last, please give some messages for Japanese fans.
Thank you so much for your interest in our band for so many years. We hope you love our new album like we do. With some good luck we may see you in 2014.