インタビューさせていただいたのは、ニュージャージー州サウスジャージー出身Pop PunkバンドCount To Fourです。去年リリースした彼らの1stフルレングス”Between Two Cities”が日本のStand Tall Recordsさんでディストロされているということもあって、日本でも知名度は上がってきているバンドだと思われます。
interview by Akira Takahashi (Twitter/Instagram)
Count To Four are;
Drums: Pete Adams
Vocals / Guitar: Mike Hayden
Guitar/ Backing Vox: Jay Miller
Bass / Backing Vox: Neale DiMento
(For foreign readers; The interview article in English follows after Japanese article, so please click “Read More…” and go through to the bottom.)
僕の名前はJayだよ。Count To Fourでは、ギターとバックアップボーカルしているよ。知らなそうなことと言ったら、トムハンクスが超好きで、犬が大好きで、アイスティーを飲み過ぎなくらい好きってことかな。
多分、2015年になるんじゃないかな。来年の1月までレコーディングの予定はないよ。Pop Punkというより、IndieやAlternative Rockに寄っていってるね。僕達はPop Punkが大好きでバンドとしてそれで演奏するのがめちゃくちゃ楽しいんだけど、Pop Punkでは僕達ミュージシャンとしての限界、メッセージを伝えるのに限界があるんだ。僕達はバンドとして成長したいし、このジャンルの変更は大いにバンドをに成功を導くと思うんだ。でもルーツは絶対忘れないし、むしろそれを元にもっと成熟したモノを作ってくつもりだよ。
僕達はみんな音楽が好きで、演奏すること、聴くことやライブミュージックの一部になるのが大好きなんだ。そして時が来て、 僕達は自然と一緒になってジャムり始めたんだよ。
Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World, Blink-182, As I Lay Dying, Coheed & Cambria… まだまだあるけど、これらが僕達が影響を受けたバンドの一部だよ。
君たちの出身、South Jerseyのオススメのバンドを教えてください。
Hold Your Own, No Such Noise, Youth, Breaking Tradition これでもいくつかのほんの一部だよ。
私はVo. Mikeの髭が大好きです(笑) 歌詞中にも“髭”を取り上げることが何度か見られますが、何か髭を生やすのに特別な理由などあるのでしょうか?
日本のPop Punkのバンドやシーンをチェックされていたら教えてください。
日本のStand Tall Recordsが僕達のCDをディストロしてくれてるよ!だから、そこに所属しているWe Are The Champion$を含め、その他にも何バンドか知っているよ。
僕達みんな、本当に日本に行きたいです!日本に行くことは僕達のTo Doリストにあるんだ。だから、出来れば近いうちに会いましょう!
-For English speakers-
For the record, please tell me your name, role in your band and one thing that people may not know about yourself/band!
My name is Jay, I play guitar and sing Back Up vox in Count to Four. As far as something that you may not know, is that I drink way too much iced tea, I love dogs way too much, and I adore Tom Hanks.
I’m so happy to hear that you’re recording and releasing full-length this year! When are you thinking to put out? And tell me about the progress and theme of the album.
It’s probably going to come out 2015 to be honest. We aren’t planning on recording until January. As far as the theme goes, we are leaning far more towards an alt rock / indie record rather than a pop punk record. We really feel that pop punk, while it is extremely fun to play and listen to, limits us as musicians, and limits our message. We want to grow as a band and we think this musical divergence will help with that. We aren’t abandoning our roots, but rather developing a more mature sound from them.
What made you start a band? Any inspired bands?
We all loved music. We all loved playing and listening to music and being a part of live music. So it just came naturally to all of us when the time came when we began to jam together. Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World, blink-182, As I Lay Dying, Coheed & Cambria too name a few were all bands which inspired us to play.
Please recommend me some good local bands in your place, South Jersey!
Hold Your Own, No Such Noise, Youth, Breaking Tradition, to name a few!
I like Mike’s beard. I see ‘beard’ in lyrics so many times in your songs and I also like it. Are there any specific reasons that you grow your beard?
Mostly laziness haha. We all just love facial hair both for the humor aspect as well as the manliness of it. Aside from that, Mike just needs a beard. Without one he looks like an entirely different person. He shaved it once…never again….
And I like Jay’s tattoos. I saw his instagram always getting new ones. What made you to get one and please tell me the story of those tattoos you have.
I have so many tattoos, it’d be a long time to go through them all. I started getting tattooed because I love the culture behind it and I have an affinity for art and the meaning behind a piece – just like I do with music. Tattoos act as inked up road map to where and who you were at a certain time in your life. That in itself is a reason to get tattoos. It’s your own person time capsule. But the rest of my tattoos are a part of me and my life and who I am, and they each come with a specific story and reason behind them. My feet are my favorite – I have an woman Indian head and a wolf.
Who’s skateboarding!
At the moment it’s just me (Jay) that skateboards. On the last tour we did, I stopped at probably 15 skateparks over the course of the 40 days, and I skated almost every day of the tour.
Tell me something if you check any Japanese pop punk bands / scenes.
Stand Tall Records (http://standtall.cart.fc2.com/) has distributed our record in Japan, so we became accustomed to some of the other bands on the roster such as We Are Champions.
Thank you very much for taking your precious limited time! Wish you guys come play in Japan one day soon! Please say something to Japanese fans.
We would LOVE to come to Japan soon! It’s on our to do list for sure so hopefully we’ll be there soon!